Egyptian Society of Diabetes and Lipidology


About The Society

The ESDL (Egyptian Society of Diabetes and Lipidology) was founded in 2013. The ESDL superior objective is spreading the awareness to the public and the cure of diabetes for all diabetic patients through campaigns and public and patient awareness days and also gathering all people working in the field of diabetes and Lipidology through the ESDL educational activities and publications, scientific meetings and annual congress “DiaEgypt”

We are honored to announce the successful kick-off of the 2nd Round of the CME program:

iDia Expert Seminars 2023

Endorsed by the Egyptian Society of Diabetes and Lipidology "ESDL"

With 2 elegant events:

1- Launching event with the reputable internal Medicine, Department at Metabolism, Diabetology & Lipidology unit Alexandria University

2- Second event with the reputable internal Medicine, Department Cairo University, Unit of DM, Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition

With participation of respectful boards of ESDL and both universities

And great attendance in both events

300 Physician

Stay tuned for more successful CME events in 2023

Solo-sponsored by:
Marcyrl Cardiometabolic Unit

Highlights From ESDL Booth @ DIAEGYPT 2022


The Egyptian Society of Endocrinology and Diabetes (ESDL) has the honor organizing DIAEGGYPT 2022, which is an unrivaled gathering for knowledge and Experiences exchanging, giving a real chance of global networking of health professionals and Experts